Book: The Workbench

  • Posted on: 9 April 2018
  • By: tomww


You may have noticed, that the "Workbench" articles now have a new footer. That indicates, that similar articles can be collected and combined into a "book".
If you click on the word "up" in the footer, then you can see the whole book with its articles.

If you think this idea is worth extending, then then please tell me which of the past articles you think should be collected into a book. Or tell me which furture articles should be written (headline to get the idea is good enough).
This could be anything. For instance "SFE starter guide" as a bookg and this contains all sorts of tipps a fresh SFE user may want to read.

What do you think? Drop me a note please! sfepackages at g mail dod com
