The Workbench 2024-01

  • Posted on: 3 February 2024
  • By: tomww

Hi all,

currently the stack postfix / dovecot / dovecot pigehole sieve / clamav / spamassassin is getting updates. Maybe I'll add amavis-new too.

This article will be updated once pigeonhole sieve is working.

Planned ist as well getting llvm as a prerequisite for the rust package. Rust is required for more fresh versions of clamav.
Naturally a fresh version of clamav should follow right after.

If you are in the need for specific software on OmniOS oder Solaris, then please let me know!
Write me on sfepackages at gmail dot com or on Twitter @sfepackages

Update 20240121: Yeah! The first SPARC package on the T4 with S11.4 CBE (111) has been built! pkg://sfe/sfe/editor/gnu/bvi/src@1.4.2,5.11-
So as promised, the Solar Photovoltaik System charged the batters today to 100% and now the Sparc T4 machine runs on Solar power.
Of course, the first freshly built package has been compiled and packaged with energy from solar photovoltaics!
The SFE spec files system works since incarnation on Sparc an X86, now I'll start maintaining packages for Solaris on X86 and Sparc.
The name of the publisher for Sparc will be most likely "sfe", as I would say after some 11 years to testing "localhost" it is time to get grown up.


PS: currently I run the t4 Sparc these days in time where the photovoltaic panels deliver more power then I can use, so it currently is used as a heater...
One day I complete the CBE setup to get the build environment for SFE packages. This will be the start for building SFE packages on Sparc.

PS2: 20240129 already made some of the packages, just from the workbench:
spec-files-extra pkg list | grep sfe
components/library/libsodium (sfe) 1.0.19- i--
library/g++/icu (sfe) 74.2- i--
mail/library/libspf2 (sfe) 1.2.10- i--
service/network/dns/pdns-recursor (sfe) 4.9.2- i--
service/network/imap/dovecot (sfe) 2.3.21- i--
sfe/database/bdb (sfe) 5.3.28- i--
sfe/developer/gcc (sfe) i--
sfe/developer/gcc-11 (sfe) i--
sfe/editor/gnu/bvi (sfe) 1.4.2- i--
sfe/library/gmp (sfe) 6.2.1- i--
sfe/library/gnu/openldap (sfe) 2.4.59- i--
sfe/library/mpc (sfe) 1.3.1- i--
sfe/library/mpfr (sfe) 4.2.0- i--
sfe/runtime/lua (sfe) 5.4.6- i--
sfe/system/library/gcc-11-runtime (sfe) i--
sfe/system/library/gcc-runtime (sfe) i--
system/library/g++/boost (sfe) 1.84.0- i--
system/library/g++/boost/documentation (sfe) 1.84.0- i--
system/library/g++/boost/header-boost (sfe) 1.84.0- i--