
Repository Sync Reparied

  • Posted on: 14 July 2016
  • By: tomww

Hi all,

during the last days the repository upload was broken. I had to repair the script after I extended the functionality to get a quicker sync for the shared files stored on the path /file/.

The plan was, to make syncing faster for the 629424 files stored in /file/. Even if you say "rsync" is smart, I believe it should be very much faster is I run a "find" to see filesnames newer then a flagfile (carrying the timtestamp of the previous seccuessful sync).
I've prepared the code and will try it out during the next few days.


Migrate your Repository URL now

  • Posted on: 6 June 2013
  • By: ofen334

Now we have reached the successful migration of the last writes to the old SVN repository.
The new SF SVN repo now contains the latest commits (around April 22nd, commit 5338).
I could send two commits in (SFEopus.spec), so you'll see repo revision 5340 now.

Your action:
****Important to get access to the new repository***
Start relocating your local copy of the
repository to the new URL.

You might want to do a backup of your local files first,
e.g. with: