Fuse Update in Planning
I'm planning to update the fuse modules and libraries very soon. As well ntfs-3g should get an update.
Those modules/libs are used by e.g. ntfs, DAV tool "cadaver" and others like filesystem over ssh (sshfs).
If I can re-enable ext2 (or newer) over fuse will be interesting.
If you want to test the new packages or want to get notified for news, then please drop me a note in the comments or email to: sfepackages at g mail dot com
Sun, 11/13/2016 - 00:51
Update to the Fuse Module, Libraries and NTFS-3G Tools Coming
Short note,
I've taken a few hours to update the kernel module "fuse", rebuilt libfuse and updated NTFS-3G.
The versions will be:
fusefs 1.3.1
libfuse 20100615 (I can't find any updates, maybe OI ON has something)
ntfs-3g 2016.2.22
Mon, 11/14/2016 - 09:45
Update to the Fuse Module, Libraries and NTFS-3G Tools - Q
Hi Thomas,
as I already have those installed (/hipster provides versions):
$ pkg list | grep -E "fuse|ntfs"
driver/fuse 1.3.1-2016.0.0.0 i--
library/libfuse 2.7.6-2016.0.0.1 i--
system/file-system/ntfsprogs 2016.2.22-2016.0.0.2 i--
I have question if this is something else, or same peace of s/w?
Mon, 11/14/2016 - 13:40
Update to the Fuse Module, Libraries and NTFS-3G Tools - A
Hi Predrag!
I would say "almost" the same.
Built in a comparable way, but versions managed on the SFE side. Running on S11, S12, OmniOS, older Hipster, older OI151a[89]. And Hispter 2016 as alternate implementation.
I'm planning for a lot of fuse consumers, so I like to be in control of the versions.
But that is not the whole story, as I mentioned Solaris 11, 12, older OI151a[89], older Hipster, OmniOS all need those packages too, so Hipster 2016 can just get the same ones as well.
The choice for the user is: Use the OI Hipster 2016 "fuse"-stack and stick with what is provided there -
Or go with the SFE "fuse" stack. Currently I'm not planning to build IPS package dependency exceptions to enableh a mixed set of fuse related packages. At the moment things would need to go very bad to have me build such exceptions into the fuse stack on the SFE side.
Both implementations should be technically comparable, but I'll take the challenge to implement packages using fuse on hipster in SFE, so nothing should be missing if you decide to go with the SFE "fuse" stack.
Again, I need to implement is for everything else then Hipster 2016 anyways.
Does this sound okay to you?
Mon, 06/26/2017 - 15:42
libfuse for solaris
hi guys,
any news about an update libfuse for solaris?
i would like to build lizardfs 3.11.x, but this needs libfuse > 2.7 :)
Mon, 06/26/2017 - 19:56
A: libfuse for solaris is in the repo
Hi Martin,
we currently have in the repo:
Please let me know if you need a version bump or adding a patch.
Wed, 07/05/2017 - 17:11
A2: libfuse for solaris is in the repo
Just for the curious, I've heard that lizardfs works on Solaris with a few tweaks, as libfuse 2.7 doesn't offer a function about the unix groups.
Once that is resolved, I'll start packaging lizardfs for Solaris 11 (12), OpenIndiana, OmniOS.
Stay tuned!