The Workbench 2018-04

  • Posted on: 10 May 2018
  • By: tomww

Quick note, more updates on this article will appear soon.

Now available: pdftk for Solaris 11!

pdftk 2.02 from ist now available for Solaris 11 (version 11.3)!

You can merge, split or watermark PDFs from the command line.
To build the package it was necessary to enhance the GCC 4.9.4 package with the Java compiler "gcj".
For OpenIndiana Hipster the compile run is is not yet clean (iconv symbols missing).

Update 20180430
There is gcc-7 apperaing on the IPS repos. It should be ploaded soon for OmniOS, Solaris 11.3, Openindiana Hipster and Solaris 11.4
use export PATH=/usr/gcc-sfe/7/bin to get the binaries. Or export CC=/usr/gcc-sfe/7/bin/gcc CXX=/usr/gcc-sfe/7/bin/g++ .

If you've tested the new gcc-7 compiler, I would appreciate you drop a note to me if it works, or even better solves problems with older compiler versions.

Side note: The broken hardware is replaced by a different machine and a Solaris zone is in preparation. Meanwhile I'll serve the complete repositories from my own server, so everything is operational on the *same* URLs then before. The IP-DNS-Entry for has been change to go to my own servers. You don't need to change anything on your side.
