How To Setup SFE Publisher for OpenIndiana Hipster 2015 (draft)

  • Posted on: 27 March 2016
  • By: tomww

Dear readers, here is a draft version of upgrading OpenIndiana Hipster to the lastest version and then add the SFE publisher to install packages. Please read and if you already have access to the blog by username, *edit* this text to make it better. This is highly appreciated! I would prefer to let you improve this text, while I try to improve the packages. Deal?

How-To for upgrading an existing OpenIndiana Hipster Image and after this, add the SFE publisher "localhostoih" to the system so you can install LibreOffice4, VLC, mplayer and numerous other packages like e.g. postfix and dovecot to make your own email server.

- installed OpenIndiana Hipster 2015
- configured ethernet or wifi connection
- Internet connection which is allowed to download about 1GBytes of data.

Step 1 - Requirements
If it is not already on your disk, install regular OpenIndiana Hipster (in this article referenced as OIH).
I've used in this example the ISO file released on 2015-10-03.

Configure your network to have internet access for running the IPS updates.

Step 2 - Verify Publishers
Check the current IPS publishers:
pkg publisher

If you have additional publishers, you might choose to either uninstall those packages from the extra publisher (see output of "pkg list" where you can see packages with the extra text "(name_of_the_extra_publisher)",
or, disable the other publisher with "sudo pkg set-publisher --disable name_of_the_extra_publisher"

In case the Upgrade is refused or doesn't give you the desired target version (see package entire), then
usually removing the conflicting packages from other publishers then "" helps removing the version constraints.
In this example, the new entire version is entire@0.5.11-2015.0.2.1:20160126T115902Z.

Step 3 - Display Current OS Version
#old, original CDROM install for OI-Hipster:
pkg info entire
Name: entire
Zusammenfassung: incorporation to lock all system packages to same build
Description: incorporation to lock all system packages to same build
State: Installiert
Version: 0.5.11
Branch: 2015.0.2.0
Packaging Date: 3. Oktober 2015 08:22:04
Last Install Time: 3. Oktober 2015 10:41:10
Größe: 0.00 B
FMRI: pkg://

Test your internet connection:

If necessary, set in the shell environment your HTTP-Web-Proxy-Cache, e.g.
export http_proxy=http://my.proxycache.ip.address:3128/
export https_proxy=http://my.proxycache.ip.address:3128/

(Alternatively you could configure the publisher to know about your Web-Proxy-Cache)

If you did the "server" or "text" install, then your system doesn't contain the packages for the graphical desktop. You can install those packages at any time, even after the reboot you see in the next step (this would avoid loading old bits now and then updating it - instead if you install the desktop after the upgrade and reboot, then this would save you time and diskspace)

Next you'll want to update to current development version of OIH:

Step 4 - Dry-Run of pkg update
simulate only: (-n)

sudo pkg update -nv
(you'll see long lists of upgraded IPS packages, example:)
pkg:// -> pkg://

Step 5 - Do the Upgrade to Latest OpenIndiana Hipster
Now we'll really do the upgrade and give the Bootenvironment (referenced here as "BE") a nice name:

#use the current date as part of the BE name:
date +'%Y-%m-%d'

As OpenIndiana-Hipster is a rolling development release, it may be a good idea to add the date to the BE name, so you can easily see when this BE should be discarded anytime later or in case you need to rollback to a well-known good state of the Root-Filesystem (Your user-home directory usually is safe here, as it is a different filesystem which is never rolled back by "beadm")

time sudo pkg update -v --accept --licenses --be-name openindiana-2016-03-27

After the files have been loaded and installed on your disk, the new BE is ready to be booted.
Display the current BE (see column "active" and the Letter "N") and the BE which gets activated at *next* reboot (Letter "R").

Step 6 - Reboot Into the New Bootenvironment
If you run the init command, your system reboots and activates the updated copy of your current OpenIndiana image.
sudo /sbin/init 6

Step 7 - Login to the updated Image

Login to your system. In a terminal window type
pkg info entire

You should see a pkg entire package with a timestamp which is close to your current day (e.g. only days of very few weeks old).

In case you did the server or "text" install only, then you have no graphical desktop packages installed. To enhance your install to have a grpahical desktop, type this:

sudo pkg install -v group/feature/multi-user-desktop

This "group" package itself is empty but contains "require" tags that add a bunch of other packages with the real software in them. Disk space for adding graphical desktop is approximatly 1 to 3 Gbytes (need to verify this).

Step 8 - Add SFE Publisher and Install Packages
See for Details:

sudo pkg set-publisher -G '*' -g localhostoih

Try installing a package:

sudo pkg install media/vlc

sudo pkg install libreoffice4-desktop-int

...and so on.
See the publisher itself which packages are available. Mind the instructions for the search form, natrually a package might not be found if your search pattern doesn't match...

In case of questions, please feel free to come to the IRC chat on channel #pkgbuild, or send an email to sfepackages at g mail dot com, or post a comment here on the blog!

If you need more packages, then please let me know. And remember to add a use case to the name of the desired software because this can only make it happen earlier!


(initial version by tomww, edited by . . . . . . . )