NewsFlash - Updating Solars 11 build machine to 11.3 now

  • Posted on: 2 January 2016
  • By: tomww

Dear SFE users,

I'll update the build machine for the Solaris 11 packages to Version 11.3 now. There have been several changes on the Solaris side like obsoleting java jre 1.6, so if you hit the upgrade constraints, then unfortunatly you'll have to do manual uninstall of older SFE packages for the moment.

You can try "pfexec pkg update -nv --new-be 11.3.1 consolidation/userland/userland-incorporation@0.5.11- entire@0.5.11-" and see which packages are listed.
I hope to get to recompile the most common packages soon, so the constraints should just work then.

In any case of problems, please drop me a note with the output from above so I can propably see how the task can be solved.

The next batch of packages will be libreoffice, compiled on entire@0.5.11- (the version on

I wish you a happy new year and I hope, that in 2016 the SFE project brings even more value to you then it may already have in the past year.
Contributors for prgramming and even a little writing on documentation are always highly welcome!


PS: On the 11.2SRUxx build machine I had to uninstall those packages: (jre-6, apache-php5@5.2.17)

Then do the update:
pkg update -v --be-name solaris- consolidation/userland/userland-incorporation@0.5.11- entire@0.5.11- \
&& beadm activate solaris- \
&& /sbin/init 6