set name=pkg.fmri value=pkg://localhosts11/antivirus/clamsmtp@1.10,5.11- set name=info.classification value="org.rpm:Applications/System Utilities" file ebfabbe3e9f26fa51ccb084e32e67a9f7a25fb9b chash=f439210c4ec3808278d68f47c1a418a75f8b2b04 group=bin mode=0644 owner=root path=usr/share/man/man5/clamsmtpd.conf.5 pkg.csize=2939 pkg.size=6656 license bc8701644e63e4f14c2104aa27dec2b887e178bf chash=e4d30e7b8ed41d0c640072900090406433e5aa26 license=BSD pkg.csize=116 pkg.size=135 dir group=sys mode=0755 owner=root path=usr set name=pkg.description value="ClamSMTP is an SMTP filter that allows you to check for viruses using the ClamAV anti-virus software. It accepts SMTP connections and forwards the SMTP commands and responses to another SMTP server. The 'DATA' email body is intercepted and scanned before forwarding. It aims to be lightweight, reliable, and simple rather than have a myriad of options. It's written in C without major dependencies. If you need more options then you could use something big like AMaViS which is written in PERL and can do almost anything. Written with the Postfix mail server in mind it can be configured as a Postfix Content Filter. It can also be used as a transparent proxy to filter an entire network's SMTP traffic at the router." set name=net.sourceforge.pkgbuild,version value=1.3.104 dir group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=usr/share/man/man5 set name=info.upstream-url value= depend fmri=system/library@0.5.11- type=require dir group=sys mode=0755 owner=root path=etc dir group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=usr/share/man set name=build.tool value=pkgbuild dir group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=usr/sbin file e77d49edfdf66a6197b3bdb07fe2f25e5a4bd1e8 chash=3a8a9181623d6bbdef2f5c7ff39ca4399d780ef3 group=bin mode=0644 owner=root path=etc/clamsmtpd.conf pkg.csize=803 pkg.size=1575 set name=pkg.summary value="SMTP interface for clamav Unix anti-virus scanner" set name=variant.arch value=i386 set name=info.source-url value= dir group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=usr/share/man/man8 depend fmri=system/kernel@0.5.11- type=require file 712cfdd04bd89092e101443e3cde821afb6a1baa chash=cc49abc198f7a9f5401c26d37906c596638a531c group=bin mode=0644 owner=root path=usr/share/man/man8/clamsmtpd.8 pkg.csize=3531 pkg.size=8381 file 7514d2ec55ffab83496aa458b05c7539f928e035 chash=d6367b18b6b6e1a8272e71e5f55f2ae82edf5a4c elfarch=i386 elfbits=32 elfhash=c4dd53c7050ba6660a1c481467c3e1deed462472 group=bin mode=0755 owner=root path=usr/sbin/clamsmtpd pkg.csize=25571 pkg.size=56724 legacy arch=i386 category=SFE,application desc="SMTP interface for clamav Unix anti-virus scanner" hotline="Please contact your local service provider" name="SMTP interface for clamav Unix anti-virus scanner" pkg=SFEclamsmtp vendor= version=1.10,REV= dir group=sys mode=0755 owner=root path=usr/share